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Admission For 2024 - 2025

Artist Painting in Studio_edited.jpg

Step 1

Submit the application form

Submit the online application form with the correct information.

Step 2

Submit your portfolio

Submit an art portfolio to with at least 10 pieces of artwork, 5 of which have to be observational drawings/paintings.

Step 3

Drawing Test

After submitting the application form and portfolio, our staff will contact you to schedule a 3-hour in person observational drawing test. 

Step 4

Student & Parent Interview

After the Drawing Test, the student and parent(s) will be interviewed respectively.

Submit your application today

Art portfolio requirements

  1. Prepare a portfolio consisting of 10 pieces of artwork.

  2. Include a minimum of 5 observational drawings or paintings.

  3. The artwork can be exclusively drawings and paintings, or it may also include 3-dimensional works such as sculptures or installations, as well as time-based works like videos.

  4. For non-digital artwork, document them by scanning or capturing them through cameras.

  5. Images should be saved in either JPG or PNG format. Each image should not exceed a file size of 5MB.

  6. If submitting videos, they should be in MP4 or MOV format. Video files should not exceed a file size of 250MB.

  7. If submitting any written documents, save them as PDF files. The PDF file should not exceed a file size of 10MB.

Visit us

Email: to schedule a in-person tour. 

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