University of Virginia (UVA) - Early Decision, Architecture
1. How do you feel about your college acceptance? I am so incredibly excited and grateful to have the chance to study at the University of Virginia in the fall! I cannot wait to be in a new environment to expand my artistic and creative abilities and I hope to make many positive memories there. NYSA will always have played a part in me being able to have this amazing opportunity not only art-wise, but confidence wise. I am confident and determined going into this new school and time in my life and I cannot wait!

2. Why did you choose this major? I have had my mind set on Architecture since I was little. I grew up in a creative household, with both of my parents having studied and practiced something in the creative field. I love the way architects manage to fit various elements together like puzzles and how structures interact with their surroundings. Thus, I knew I wanted to become like one of them, but in my own way with my own style.

3. How does NYSA help you overcome your artistic challenges? I tend to get artists block quite often, but NYSA challenged me to observe the things around me and to think about everything I see with the mindset of “what can I turn this into” or “How can I use this to be creative” and I started to experiment out of my comfort zone, expanding on my skillset of various methods and materials.

4. What was the most difficult aspect of your portfolio preparation? Definitely maintaining the mentality to keep going and pushing through all the times when you want to give up. The teachers will push you to work your hardest and it can be a bit stressful, but in the end, it’s all worth it when you are immensely prepared to go to your dream school.

5. What is your favorite artwork that you made? Paper City Painting! I loved how I got to make my sculpture oriented around architecture and connect it to my focus, I got to experiment with how to effectively fill up the space so it would be pleasing to the eye. Painting the piece from observation was one of the biggest challenges I faced and I feel like I learned so much about color theory and architectural lines/precision.

6. Tell us your thoughts about NYSA! I have been a student at NYSA for longer than I can remember and I am so grateful for the creative and professional environment that the staff create for all their students to reach their goals. Every single teacher here works incredibly hard to create an environment that is welcoming to every individual who walks in the doors. Everyone is very professional and all are amazing at encouraging students to go the extra mile in their work in order for them to be the best they can be. NYSA is the place to go to expand your creative abilities all while having an amazing time building friendships and connections for years to come!